

        l(f)rg:2019-08-23 Դ: ɢľx c(din)

        ժҪ Ҏ(gu)NֲǬF(xin)r(nng)I(y)l(f)չҪ(dng)ǰV~NֲҎ(gu)ģ̶ȵ~a(chn)MʽĆ}^ͻƼsˏVİl(f)չᘌVl(f)չF(xin)Y(ji)ϬF(xin)r(nng)I(y)l(f)չҪоD(zhun)׃y(tng)~a(chn)ʽl(f)չҎ(gu)NֲҪxᘌԵ˰l(f)չ˼·M(jn)ʩ߽͌h
        P(gun)I~ Ҏ(gu)ģNֲ
        ЈD̖ S572 īI(xin)(bio)Ra A ¾̖ 0517-6611201426-09255-03
        Analysis and Thinking of the Large-scale Cultivation of Guangxi Flue-cured Tobacco
        WANG Zheng et al
        China Tobacco Guangxi Industrial Co. Ltd. Nanning Guangxi 530001
        Abstract Large-scale cultivation of flue-cured tobacco is the need of the development of modern agriculture. At present the situation of low degree tobacco planting scale and the backward tobacco production organization is increasingly prominent which restrict the development of Guangxi flue-cured tobacco. Aiming at the development situation of Guangxi flue-cured tobacco and combined with the requirements of modern agriculture development significance and function of changing the traditional mode of production and developing large-scale cultivation of Guangxi tobacco planting was studied. At last development ideas improvement measures and suggestions were put forward.
        Key words Flue-cured tobacco Large-scale cultivation
        VNֲݵĚvʷ^470ĚvʷҪֲڰɫRӳеؼн(jng)(j)l17h2013Vُ2 856fkg(sh)F(xin)r(nng)6.279|Ԫؔ(ci)1.38|Ԫط(jng)(j)İl(f)չ˾޴ؕI(xin)
        1 Ҏ(gu)NֲǏVa(chn)ɳm(x)l(f)չıȻڅ
        1.1 Ҏ(gu)NֲϬF(xin)r(nng)I(y)l(f)չҪ
        1.2 Ҏ(gu)NֲϹI(y)I(y)ԭϵĹҪ
        1.3 Ҏ(gu)ģNֲھĿǰr(nng)ڄȱĠr
        1.4 Ҏ(gu)NֲӷNֲƼa(chn)Ч

        P(gun)~ V Ҏ(gu) ˼


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