

        l(f)rg:2020-10-22 Դ: Y(ji) c

        hZ ݔѪt(y)W(xu)g(sh)Zձ

        ꑣ (ni)أ


        _ T A

        ABO blood group determination ABO ѪͶ ABO Ѫͷ ABO ѪͶ ABOѪʹ_ absorption and elution test շɢԇ ?jng)_ԇ շɢԇ ጳyԇ acute hypervolemic hemodilution; AHH ԸѪҺϡ ԸѪѪҺϡ ԸѪҺϡ ԸѪѪҺϡ acute normovolemic hemodilution; ANH ԵѪҺϡ ԵѪѪҺϡ ԵѪҺϡ ԵѪҺϡ adverse event ¼ ¼ ¼ ¹ allelic resolution typing λˮƽ o λˮƽ (yng)ˮƽ alloimmunization ͬNw w w w altruistic blood donation ԫI(xin)Ѫ ԾѪ ԾѪ ԾѪ antibody screening wY wYz wYz wYz apheresis blood component βѪҺɷ xg(sh)ѪҺɷ ΒѪҺɷ ɷѪѪҺɷ Apheresis β xg(sh) Β ɷݾѪ audit criteria ˜(zhn)t ˘(bio)(zhn) ˜(zhn)t ˜(zhn)t autologous transfusion wݔѪ wѪ wݔѪ Ѫ B

        blood cold chain ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ blood donation adverse reaction I(xin)Ѫ(yng) Ѫ(yng) Ѫ(yng) Ѫ(yng) blood donation times per thousand population ǧ˿ګI(xin)Ѫ˴ ÿǧ˿ھѪ˴ ǧ˿ھѪ˴ ǧ˿ھѪ˴ blood donation I(xin)Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ blood donor I(xin)Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ߻ʿ blood establishment computer system ѪվϢϵy(tng) ѪC(j)(gu)YӍϵy(tng) ѪҺYӍϵy(tng) ѪXϵy(tng) blood group typing Ѫb Ѫͷ Ѫb Ѫͷ blood quality ѪҺ|(zh) ѪҺƷ|(zh) ѪҺ|(zh) ѪҺ|(zh) blood screening test ѪҺYԇ ѪҺYzԇ ѪҺYz ѪҺYzyԇ blood-borne occupational exposure ѪԴšI(y)¶ ѪҺȾԼšI(y)¶ ѪԴšI(y)¶ ѪԴšI(y)| blood-donor care I(xin)Ѫo(h) Ѫo(h) ѪP(gun)o(h) Ѫʿo(h) C

        cell grouping (x) (x) (x) (x) cell salvage Ѫ(x) ѪҺ(x) Ѫ(x) (x) clinical transfusion medicine RݔѪW(xu) RݔѪt(y)W(xu) RݔѪt(y)W(xu) RݔѪt(y)W(xu) closed system ]ϵy(tng) ]ϵy(tng) ]ϵy(tng) ܷϵy(tng) compatibility test ԇ ԇ ԙz Ԝyԇ complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity test; CDC awهԼ(x)ԇ awهܰ򶾚ԇ awهԼ(x)ԇ awهܰͼ(x)(yng)yԇ complication related to blood donation I(xin)ѪP(gun)l(f)Y ѪP(gun)l(f)Y ѪP(gun)l(f)Y ѪP(gun)l(f)Y confirmatory test _Cԇ _J(rn)ԇ _Cz _J(rn)yԇ copper sulfate method ~ ~ ~ ~yԇ corrected count increment; CCI ѪСӋ(sh)Уֵ ѪСӋ(sh)УӔ(sh) ݔעѪСָ(sh) Уָ(sh) crossmatch Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ D

        department of transfusion medicine t(y)ԺݔѪ ݔѪt(y)W(xu) t(y)ԺݔѪ o diversion pouch ·D(zhun)ƴ ӱռ ӱռ donor (informed) consent I(xin)Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫʿ@֪ͬ donor deferral I(xin)Ѫ ѪѪ Ѫ Ѫ donor identification I(xin)Ѫߴ_J(rn) Ѫ˴_J(rn) Ѫݴ_J(rn) Ѫʿݴ_J(rn) donor quarantine I(xin)Ѫ Ѫ˸x o Ѫʿx donor reentry I(xin)Ѫߚw Ѫپ ѪپѪ ѪʿپѪ donor I(xin)Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ E

        electronic crossmatch ӽѪ ӽѪ ӽѪ XѪ elite controller Ӣ Ӣ o o emerging infection °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ event ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼¹ external quality assessment; EQA g|(zh)ur ⲿƷ|(zh)u ⲿ|(zh)ur |(zh)u F

        febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction; FNHTR Ѫ԰l(f)ᷴ(yng) Ѫ԰l(f)(yng) Ѫ԰l(f)ᷴ(yng) Ѫ԰l(f)(yng) first-time donor ΫI(xin)Ѫ ξѪ ״ξѪ ξѪ߻״ξѪ

        forward type o freezing ك ٱ fundamental


        medicine A(ch)ݔѪW(xu) A(ch)ݔѪt(y)W(xu) A(ch)ݔѪt(y)W(xu) A(ch)ݔѪt(y)W(xu) G

        grey zone ҅^(q) o ҅^(q) ɫ؎ H

        haemovigilance; HV ѪҺȫO(jin)y ѪҺȫO(jin)y ѪҺA(y)ϵy(tng) ѪҺȫA(y)ϵy(tng) hematocrit; Hct t(x) Ѫ t(x) o hematology analyzer method ѪҺxzy ѪҺxzy ѪҺxzy ѪҺx Hemoglobin; Hb Ѫt Ѫt Ѫt ѪtػѪt hemoglobin test strip colorimetric assay Ѫtԇlɫ Ѫtԇlɫ Ѫtԇlɫ o high resolution typing ߷ֱʷ ߽ȷ ߷ֱʷ ߽ histocompatibility matching M M䌦 M M human leucocyte antigen; HLA ׼(x)ԭ Ѫԭ ׼(x)ԭ Ѫԭ I

        immediate hemolytic transfusion reaction; IHTR ٰl(f)ѪݔѪ(yng) l(f)ѪݔѪ(yng) ѪݔѪ(yng) ѪݔѪ(yng) incidence rate ¸Ⱦ l(f) ¸Ⱦ l(f) initial test ԇ ԇ Ιz yԇ inter-instrument comparison xgȌ xgȌ xgȌ x֮g^ inter-laboratory comparison gȌ gȌ gȌ ֮g^ internal audit (ni)|(zh) (ni) (ni)|(zh) (ni) internal quality control; IQC ҃(ni)|(zh) ҃(ni)Ʒ (ni)|(zh) (ni)Ʒ|(zh) inter-reagent comparison ԇȌ ԇȌ ԇȌ ԇ֮g^ inter-regional donor quarantine ^(q)“(lin) o o o inventory management ѪҺ ѪҺ irradiation ݗ


        ݗ ݗ L

        laboratory information management system Ϣϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng)

        leukocyte reduction ȥ׼(x) p ȥ׼(x) ȥѪѪ Look back low resolution typing ͷֱʷ ͽȶ ͷֱʷ o lymphocyte microcytotoxicity test; LCT ΢ܰͼ(x)ԇ ΢ܰ򶾚ԇ ΢ܰͼ(x)ԇ o M

        major crossmatch (c)Ѫ 󽻲 (c)Ѫ ҪѪ management review u 팏 u u minor crossmatch ΂(c)Ѫ С ΂(c)Ѫ ҪѪ mixed lymphocyte culture; MLC ܰͼ(x)B(yng) ܰB(yng) ܰͼ(x)B(yng) o mixed lymphocyte reaction; MLR ܰͼ(x)(yng) ܰϷ(yng) ܰͼ(x)(yng) o N

        natural antibody Ȼw Ȼw Ȼw Ȼw naturally occurring antibody Ȼw Ȼa(chn)w Ȼa(chn)Ŀw Ȼa(chn)w near miss ¼ Eeʧ Uʧ¼ o non-reactive o(yng) o(yng) o(yng) o(yng) non-remunerated voluntary blood donor ԸoI(xin)Ѫ oѪ oѪ oѪ nucleic acid testing yield; NAT yield zy z o yԇ O

        occult HBV infection; OBI [͸ײȾ [ B ͸ײȾ [͸ײȾ [͸ one-way mixed lymphocyte culture ܰͼ(x)B(yng) ܰB(yng) ܰͼ(x)B(yng) o P

        panel cells V(x) (x)M V(x) o panel reactive antibody; PRA wV(x)(yng) (x)Mw(yng) wV(x)(yng) o para-Bombay phenotype I IѪ I o pathogen inactivation; PI ԭw ԭ ԭw ԭ pathogen reduction; PR ԭwȥ ԭp ԭwȥ ԭ patient blood management; PBM ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ Ѫ plasma exchange Ѫ{ÓQ Ѫ{ÓQ Ѫ{ÓQ QѪ{ platelet count; PLT ѪСӋ(sh) ѪСӋ(sh) ѪСӋ(sh) ѪС唵(sh)

        platelet-rich plasma method ѪСѪ{ ѪСѪ{ ѪСѪ{ preoperative autologous blood donation; PAD g(sh)ǰwѪ g(sh)ǰwѪ g(sh)ǰwѪ g(sh)ǰѪ pretransfusion testing ݔѪǰzy ݔѪǰz ݔѪǰz ݔѪǰz prevalence rate ʢ proficiency testing; PT C ԇ C yԇ Q

        quality objective |(zh)Ŀ(bio) Ʒ|(zh)Ŀ(bio) |(zh)Ŀ(bio) |(zh)Ŀ(bio) quality assurance |(zh)C Ʒ|(zh)C |(zh)C |(zh)^ quality control |(zh) Ʒ|(zh) |(zh) |(zh) R

        reactive (yng) (yng) (yng) (yng) recalcification of plasma Ѫ{(f)} Ѫ{} Ѫ{(f)} Ѫ{} recipient (informed) consent Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ߫@֪ͬ recipient identification Ѫߴ_J(rn) Ѫߴ_J(rn) Ѫݴ_J(rn) Ѫݴ_J(rn) red cell group system t(x)Ѫϵy(tng) tѪѪϵy(tng) t(x)Ѫϵy(tng) tѪϵy(tng) red cell reagent panel ԇt(x)M tѪԇM ԇt(x)M o regular donor ګI(xin)Ѫ ھѪ Ҏ(gu)Ѫ aѪ߻ھѪ repeat donor ؏(f)I(xin)Ѫ }Ѫ }Ѫ }Ѫ residual risk L(fng)U NL(fng)U NL(fng)U NL(fng)U reverse type o RhD initial typing RhD Ѫͳz RhD z RhD Ѫͳz RhD z RhD typing RhD Ѫb RhD RhD Ѫb RhD Ѫ͙z confirmatory test



        negative Rh Դ_J(rn)

        Rh Դ_J(rn)

        Rh Դ_J(rn) Rh Դ_J(rn)yԇ risk behavior L(fng)UО L(fng)UО ΣО L(fng)UΣО S

        science of blood donation service I(xin)Ѫ(w)W(xu) Ѫ(w)W(xu) Ѫ(w)W(xu) Ѫ(w)ƌW(xu) seroconversion ѪD(zhun)Q ѪD(zhun) ѪD(zhun) ѪD(zhun)Q serum grouping Ѫ嶨 Ѫ Ѫ嶨 o shelf life ڻЧ solid phase HLA antibody detection HLA wYxg(sh) HLA wzyg(sh) HLA wYxo

        technology g(sh) standard operation procedure; SOP (bio)(zhn)Ҏ(gu) (bio)(zhn) (bio)(zhn) (bio)(zhn) sterile welding o۽ o۽ o۽ o T

        therapeutic apheresis ίԆβ ίԷxg(sh) ίԆΒ o therapeutic dose ί ί ί o traceability of blood component ѪҺɷֿ׷ۙ ѪҺɷ֮׷ ѪҺɷֿ׷ ׷ۙѪҺɷ transfusion complications ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪa(chn)F(xin)āl(f)Y transfusion management ݔѪW(xu) ݔѪ ݔѪ ݔѪ transfusion reactions ݔѪ(yng) ݔѪ(yng) ݔѪ(yng) ݔѪa(chn)F(xin)ķ(yng) transfusion technology ݔѪg(sh)W(xu) ݔѪg(sh) ݔѪg(sh)W(xu) ݔѪg(sh) transfusion-associated circulation overload; TACO ݔѪP(gun)ѭh(hun)ؓ(f) ݔѪP(gun)ѭh(hun)d ݔѪP(gun)ѭh(hun)ؓ(f) o transfusion-free medicine oݔѪt(y)W(xu) ݔѪt(y) ݔѪt(y)W(xu) ݔѪt(y)W(xu) transfusion-transmissible infection ɽ(jng)ݔѪĸȾ ɽ(jng)ݔѪĸȾ ɽ(jng)ݔѪĸȾ ͸^ݔѪȾĂȾ transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection; TTBI ݔѪļ(x)Ⱦ ݔѪļ(x)Ⱦ (jng)ݔѪļ(x)Ⱦ ͸^ݔѪȾļ(x)Ⱦ transfusion-transmitted infection; TTI ݔѪȾ ݔѪĸȾ (jng)ݔѪȾ ͸^ݔѪȾĂȾ U

        unexpected antibody identification ⿹wb Ҏ(gu)t(A(y))wYz t(x)wwa o unexpected antibody screening ⿹wY Ҏ(gu)t(A(y))wYz t(x)wwYz o V

        validation of blood establishment computer system ѪվϢϵy(tng)_J(rn) ѪC(j)(gu)YӍϵy(tng)C ѪҺYӍϵy(tng)_J(rn) ѪҺXϵy(tng)Ч_J(rn) validation _J(rn) C _J(rn) Ч_J(rn) W

        window period մ մ մ

        P(gun)~hZ ݔѪ g(sh)Z


        (qun) ѹӢժ smilezhuce.com